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Basking with Beer in Brugge.


We survive the night despite the fact that everyone else left before 9pm. A Belgian couple arrived just before 1pm so we felt better. It didn't stop me from waking up several times in the night.

Calamity struck as we're making toast for breakfast, the gas ran out. So, warm bread and jam was served. Up and off shortly after. Driving through the many small villages, we notice refrigerated coin operated bread vending machines which have replaced the bakeries. Brodautomat seems to be the common name for them.

We are going to call in at Brugge on the way to the coast. Rosie has been before but in November. We didn't call in on our way back in May because she felt that Brugge is best seen in winter. She changes her mind today, the temperature hits 26 and the sun shines throughout. We even half a beer at lunchtime, but only a small one at 5% because we're driving.

On towards Dunkirk in the hope of finding LPG and provisions. Take the scenic route for two reasons, one it's nicer and two it should offer more opportunity to find the gas. Reason one is met but two fails until we're almost out of Belgium. At the last point, we find a garage. The nozzle is of the German variety so we fill up quite easily. Except we drop the container under a car in the next bay. And, we get stuck behind a couple of lorries filling up with diesel. I didn't realise that they have two tanks.

Now, we can wild camp. Settle for the Carrefour at Brays Dune that we rejected in May. We can stay between 8pm and 8:30 am. We are early ( 5pm) but so is everyone else. Shop for the drink for Bert's party. The free camping pays for half of it.

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