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Zig Zagging Across Lithuania.


The Italian couple have moved next to us on the hard standing. He speaks perfect English. He tells me that they were here earlier yesterday and then tried Vilnius. His app took down narrow cobbled streets and still couldn't find a suitable car park. They are staying another day and using the train to travel the 25 kilometres to the capital.

We have no such trouble, we are taken straight to a car park on the rover very near the centre. Roughly, we follow a walk suggested by the guidebook. But first we stop for breakfast in a cafe frequented by youngsters. We choose a hot bread roll stuffed with carrots, pesto and balsamic. Delicious!

A couple of hours is enough to give us a flavour of the city. We are now heading west to the Baltic coast. Our stop on route is at Jurbarkas on the River Nemunas. However, as the route is mainly motorway we stop for a coffee about midway. We're directed to a fabulous restaurant called Siesta. Half a dozen staff are waiting to tend to our every need. Unfortunately for them, two coffees and a water aren't that taxing.

Collect provisions from a supermarket in the town. We were looking at a free site but opt instead for a fabulous site on the river. A walk before dinner is disappointing only in that the birds are the normal ones from home. The guidebook promised us a plethora of breeds.

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